EBLI is the evidence-based and researched backed literacy program available for your school districts

EBLI is a literacy program that works & a program you can trust that will save you time and money instead of spending countless hours searching for a new solution year after year.

As a busy administrator, you are managing a lot of moving pieces - Departments, Students, Budgets and Performance.

all of these pieces must come together to keep everything running smoothly.

EBLI helps Schools

EBLI is one piece of the Puzzle to Provide your students with the best Education Possible.

Save Time

Saves over an hour per day per instructor

Save Money

Materials are inexpensive and instructors save over an hour per day.

Happier Teachers and Parents

Increases positive feedback at parent teacher conferences.

Improved Test Scores

State test scores increased by as much as 30% in a single year

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ETSL Teacher Training

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Teacher ETSL

Watch your students soar in reading, writing, and spelling

EBLI is the bridge between research and the classroom, and can bring your district the results you've been dreaming of.

The tools EBLI provides to parents and teachers will increase test scores in your school and district. You'll be amazed at the progress your students and teachers will make.

EBLI: Evidence Based Literacy Instruction is an effective, efficient, research based, revolutionary system of literacy instruction delivered through interactive training for classroom teachers and remediation educators.  EBLI aligns with the Common Core Standards and Grades K-3 Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy.

EBLI is a proven program you can trust.

"I just finished my second night of parent/teacher conferences, and I could not leave without sending this email out. I have been a teacher for 17 years. Never have I sat through conferences and heard over and over "whatever you are doing this year, it's great," or "she is a completely different kid from kindergarten," or "that thing you are doing with the sounds is really working," or "before first 1st grade, reading caused tears. Now he wants to pick up a book on his own. Every child (other than the student in our categorical ASD classroom) is now reading at grade level! I cannot even believe that is coming out of my mouth. My hope was by the end of the year. Never did I think it would happen in 9 weeks.
I have never enjoyed conferences more. It was so fun to talk about the growth kids are making and celebrate successes with parents. I wasn't handing out sight word lists, or reading strategy bookmarks. They have their tools! They have their whiteboards for home. Every parent had nothing but positive things to say about EBLI. Actually, several said they wished their older son or daughter had it, two even said their 1st grader was writing better than their older child."

Holly Mueller – 1st grade Teacher

EBLI and Multi-level Readers


“They’re willing to try to read, whereas at the beginning of the year they didn’t raise their hand to read. Now they get involved in the discussions. They’re talking about a fact or character in the story.”
Ruth Hernandez explaining the difference her students experience after they’re introduced to EBLI.


On Line Training


We have helped entire districts implement literacy instruction that:

Take literacy to the next level in your school system. Get started now with a free lesson

"It is the best way I have ever seen to teach literacy. Period. Your excellent in-depth teaching, attention to detail, interpersonal skills and follow up swept me off my feet. People matter to you and your staff. In this time we are in, it is RARE to find such excellence."
Becky Hofer
Charter Home School Director
“Our teachers have renewed enthusiasm and confidence as reading teachers. I think students and teachers alike are so happy with EBLI because it makes sense and the activities are interesting, engaging and fun!"
Stacey Keeler
ELA Curriculum and Instruction - GEE