Components that Make EBLI Instruction Unique
When explaining EBLI to educators, administrators, and others, the most common response I get is “We already do that.” Reflecting

My Podcast Interview with Darius Namdaran of Dyslexia Explored
I was recently interviewed by Darius Namdaran for his podcast Dyslexia Explored. Darius is an excellent interviewer, and I shared

Supported Reading in Text: Moving Rapidly from Decodable Books to Trade Books
How long should students continue reading decodable books? Do they need leveled books? When and how can they move to

Spelling and EBLI – Accelerate Reading with Accurate Spelling
Research says a lot about the importance of spelling as well as the connection between spelling and reading and writing.

Reading Buddies – One of COVID’s Silver Linings
“It has been an honor to partner with The Reading League (TRL) since its inception in 2017. Reading Buddies –

Speech to Print vs Print to Speech
If someone can talk, they can learn to read. The top priority with reading instruction is using a methodology that

Plea from a Former Balanced Literacy Teacher: Can We Let Go of Classroom Practices that Aren’t Working
“Teachers the world over are experiencing increasing awareness about the research that backs how reading should be taught – often

Student Literacy Behaviors that Scream Success (and those that don’t)
How do I know if my student(s) or children are reading successfully? There is an abundance of information that is

Now on Chromebooks: EBLI Student Instruction Apps
You’ve been asking to get EBLI on Chromebooks and we listened – the revolutionary EBLI student instruction apps are now

Parent Teacher Communication: Collaborating for Each Student
Effective communication in general is tricky, and communication between parents and educators takes this to a whole new level. There’s

Phonics and Syllable Rules: Do We Need Them?
Writing about whether phonics and syllable rules are necessary for student learning makes me feel somewhat anxious and quite vulnerable.

R-Controlled Vowels: How to Teach in a Way that Makes Sense
R-Controlled vowels. Bossy r. Pirate r. R-influenced vowels. R in charge, rhotic and non-rhotic. What do these terms mean? These

Get Your Mitts on a Great Book: The EBLI Team Shares Their Favorites
The joy of reading and getting immersed in a great book is one of the main reasons we are obsessed

How Learners Camouflage Literacy Struggles: A Shame-Based Secret
Think of something that you are not adept at, something that you can muddle through but it isn’t easy or

The Fallout of Illiteracy and Sub-Literacy: What happens to children who aren’t capable readers?
Those who read and write well, which most likely includes you if you’re reading this, typically take for granted the

Behind The Scenes: The Truth About Reading Documentary
The seed that led to my involvement in The Truth About Reading documentary was planted back in 1997. My daughter’s

How to Make Our Teaching Even Better: How We Teach is as Important as What We Teach
Materials don’t teach children how to read, teachers teach children how to read. I don’t remember where I read or

Segmenting WITH Letters: Accelerate Reading and Spelling Acquisition
Since soon after I first taught my daughter Colleen to read back in the mid 1990’s, an experience that set

Streamline Effective Reading, Writing, and Spelling Instruction: Work Smarter, Not Harder
Let’s Marie Kondo literacy instruction! Or, follow the advice from the dynamic, amazing teacher and trainer Anita Archer: “Cut the

Fun Games to Boost Student Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic awareness is a hot topic in recent months and years, and rightly so! The literacy research is rock solid

The Joy of Reading: Create a Book Club
Have you ever read a book and wanted to find someone else who had read it so you could discuss

Enhanced Read Alouds – Increase Vocabulary & Background Knowledge
Summer is a fantastic time to take advantage of read alouds! In this blog, I’ll share some ways for both

Improve Fluency and Comprehension by Providing Supported Reading
The point of all reading instruction is for the learner to be able to accurately and automatically read the words

Phonemic Awareness Instruction: Accelerate the Teaching and Learning of Phonemic Awareness
There has been much buzz, discussion, and debate around phonological and phonemic awareness instruction lately. Is instruction with larger units

Avoid Island Teaching – Integrate Literacy Instruction
Twice in my life I’ve had the pleasure of living on tropical islands. For 3 years in the 1980s we

How One Kindergarten Teacher Got All of Her Students Reading
The 2019-2020 school year proved to be quite the year for US schools (and schools all over the world). In

The Foundation that Leads to Great Reading – PART 2
Part 2: Accelerate Instruction As we established in Part 1 of this blog series, English is an alphabetic code. The

The Foundation that Leads to Great Reading – PART 1
This is Part 1 of a 2-part blog series. Once you’re done, be sure to check out Part 2! Part

Pretend Reading: How does a child get good grades but read poorly?
How Might I Identify A Pretend Reader (and Speller)? In our reading center, parents often ask us how their child

How to Motivate and Engage Students
How do we keep students ‘in the zone’ when they are learning? Whether learners are being taught in-person or virtually,

Simple Activities to Accelerate Learning
Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction (EBLI) is an effective, efficient, systematic, research-based, revolutionary system of explicit literacy instruction, delivered through online, interactive

Sub-literacy: A Problem Hiding in Plain Sight
What is Sub-Literacy? Sub = below. Literacy = the ability to read and write. Sub-literacy is a problem hiding in

Meet the EBLI Founder
In 1997, my daughter Colleen was in 2nd grade. Her math score on the Iowa test was so high (98th

Why EBLI Was Created
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu Colleen, my middle daughter, has always been bright,

How EBLI is Different from Traditional Instruction
EBLI is similar to traditional instruction in many ways: phonemic awareness and phonics instruction is structured, explicit, and systematic. Students immediately apply

What is EBLI: Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction?
Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction (EBLI) is an effective, efficient, systematic, research-based, revolutionary system of explicit literacy instruction, delivered through online, interactive